About Me

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Hi my name is Olivia. I am a High School Grad from 2010. I want to own my own business or just work in fashion. My family and friends mean everything to me. My blog is about my life, the troubles I face, and the adventures I want to document.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Another Update

Well it is time for another update video. First quarter of FIDM has been completed, and its been pretty exciting. Well I made some new friends, I got a real taste of college life, and I met some cute boys on the way. It's been hard, but very rewarding. Some goals for next quarter are 1) make new friends 2)minimum of a b in each class 3)balance out my schedule, and 4)fit in some excesse. Everything seems to be going pretty well, just really need to balance out my life. Oh some awesome hair news! Well first off my hair is slowly getting longer which is rather exciting. I also dyed my hair red! Its kind of a red velvet color, but hopefully it will fade into that pretty red I like, might just have to manic panic it. Not much other news. Bye